Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dot and Line

Last Friday,Ar Najib reminded us that our assignment need to submit on Monday....
That time many people showed their work,many of them were rejected!!
so shame to tell that im not finish yet...
Luckily ,i still have the some time to finish it.

Can u imagine what i Dot??i thk quite difficult..hahh

This is my "line"work.

From this assignment,i learnt that we can use different materials to form many pictures although only "dots and lines".

Friday, July 30, 2010

Submission Day??

we just submit our product(mask)
1stly,we need to walk around the HBP building~
Then we sign for our summition~
Lastly we took 3 group photo(no mask+colour mask+black and white mask)

Sign for summition....

Standby for take photo...Smile??

Our own group photo...hahh...a great team???

actually its quite memorizing....although Tired!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

some pic

some pictures....had fun!!

Have the fun during suffer time=p

This was the agreement ....Cannot have any complain during the processing.....hahh

So enjoyable...

Luckily,got people bungkus for us.....then we only can did our work nonstop...
Thx for them ya=p

our production

In the processing.....

Im colouring my mask...

These were my mask lol...
THe eNd..??

Asignment 2C-101 mask

Wow,after the Bamboo Sound Tool,comes another new try!
this time,we need to make two masks:one is our own face(same skin colour),2nd one is face with emotion(black and white)

very soonly,i and my friends started the preparation....

we have the 1st idea:use the clay to get the shape of face,then we only cover it with tissue ....

But so sad to say,our idea was failed!
i taught maybe we did not add the enough water our 1st experiment was Failed...

However,we tried our another method..
We used the wrap to replace the clay.

Actually this method was quite suffered and took a long time.
However,we had to continued ya..

At night....about 10pm

We had to more faster because its too late already..
we only finished the half only...finally we all cannot tahan,need to sleep zzzzzzz

Started another new day....

My turn again..

Its quite scary....izit?

See,we had to did for 2 person in one be Faster!!

This was the Teamwork!

Suddenly,Wan B had passed by there....


He Reminded us that the wrap paper will make the "face" very rough.
We had to use the new method??haiz..

We need the coorperation very much...
Wan B came again...
he had a look with our work again...

He took the photo on the "victims"!!Im hope that im not the one of them lol....

Our whole night production....hurray!!
We need to colour them on tomorrow...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My BST...

Last day=release day

Today,we all groups need to pratice for our presentation...
my group decided to present DraMa!!!
The important thing was we need to use up our BST...

At night....XD

looks like sure win??Hahh...

Our presentation...

Enjoying ??


About 2.30pm,i reached there.....

Starting my suffering and the enjoyable time....

Group 10's logo...haha...simplicity!!


Here some activities that we have...

Campus Walking on 2nd day...

They were cycling but...we only can walk...haiz,so pity our legs=P

Luckily,they give us time to finish our BST.

At That night,we had the explorace....all the people were getting WET,included the
Not feeling Well people!!