Thursday, September 9, 2010

6 A: My Survival Kit

For me, survival kit should be can provide a person with basic necessity like food ,water and the air.When I start to go through the USM inventions from Galeri Penyelidikan USM,I found that there were many useful inventions.Hahh…I felt very greedy when I intended to apply many of them.
However,I only chose 6 of them applied onto the IBU.

1)ClaySorb : Novel Clay-Based Adsorbent for Wastewater Treatment,2004
For your information,ClaySorb is very effective to adsorb different toxic pollutants from wastewater.I chose this invention because it is easily prepared using economically processing techniques .It is easily stored and extremely stable under high impact too.

In my survival kit,there have a water purification machine.The machine will pump up the sea water ,then the pollutants in water will be adsorbed.The purified water will stored in the reservoir.The clean water can fulfill our basic necessity.

2) A Innivative Agro-Based Ingredient-Pumpkin Flour as a New Generation Source of Fibre and Natural Colourant in Bakery Product, Bread,2007
Food is one of our basic necessities. During disaster,we easily feel hungry,we need something that can give us more energy.
I chose this invention because Pumpkin flour is a good source of dietary fibres,resistant starch and natural colourant.It can reduce the risk of some developing cancer , offer protection against heart disease and reduce blood glucose level. So, Pumpkin flour is a good choice for us included all age groups. Moreover, Pumpkin flour has a longer shelf-life.

In my survival kit,there have a machine to carry on the process of Pumpkin flour-making:
slicing, drying, black box(production) and Pumpkin flour container.

3) AirWarn : Intelligent Air Pollution Warning System,2006
Air Warn designed to detect the present of particulates air pollution in the air,then classifies it within minutes.At a glance, an operator can identify when pollution levels are approaching environmental department thresholds for warning or alert conditions. This system can be used as a warning alarm or a monitoring device to complement existing environmental air control process.The alarm system can trigger immediate evacuation t o prevent long exposure to polluted air.In conclusion,Air warn can help to ensure the continuing safety of environmental air for living creature.

As one of the part of my survival kit, I set the Air Warn on the top of the IBU.It can alert the PONDOK to prevent long exposure to polluted air as the control and data flow are easily integrated into personal computer.

4) I2 SCREEN (An Intelligent Imagery Search and Retrieval Engine),2004
I2 SCREEN designed to complement the textbasedretrieval methods with a visual search capability.With this system, the physician can retrieve desired imagesby using images or regions of images as queries, rather than keywords. Once the desired images are returned, themedical information attached can be retrieved. As aresult, diagnoses and treatment decisions can be made sooner.

During the disaster period,all of us may fall sick easily.As we know,the clinic in IBU is playing the important role .With this system,they can have the rapid viewing of patient record and can get the information about diagnostics and therapy rapidly.Therefore,this system can support clinical decision making.

5) UV B Radiation at Penang,2005
This detector of Solar Ultra-Violet Radiation can help to measure harmful solar ultra-violet radiation reaching to earth surface.From time to time,it will provide the needed information on the radiation level climatology.Besides,it also provide feedback on harmfuleffects of UV radiation.

For your information,I set the detector on the top of IBU.When the radiation high enough,the IBU can inform the PONDOK.Then, the residents in PONDOK can keep alert and keep away from explosure of radiation.

6)Vehicle Monitoring System-The Surveillance System of the Future,2007
As we know, this system incorporates two core technologies: motion detection and image processing.VMS also has a built in 3D interative map or graphic visualization of all location that it covers to provide in-depth information to security personnel.

At here,IBU acts as a Central Control.It need to monitor acivities and the location of all PONDOK.With this system,IBU can measure that all the PONDOK are in the secure area.Besides,VMS also able to store images captured from the camera when the image is captured.Therefore,IBU can ensure that all the PONDOK are working under the good and smooth condition all the times.If any emergency happen,IBU can analyse the images received within short time.IBU can notice and take action immediately. This system can help to ensure safety too.

Intention:Design a survival kit from the inventions to go on to the IBU
Place: My room at my hometown,Taiping
Act:Sketching in my Black book and colouring all the sketches
Principle:Submit on 10September2010,12 noon
Product: My survival Kit

My whole survival kit have applied onto IBU!!!!

My Progression
Start from sketching......



This is my final work......XD
The end...

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