Monday, September 20, 2010

Looking Back


12 JULY 2010
Hahh..Still remember that im still very blurish on that time.Our 1st lecture was APEX Intro-Identity by En.Wan B.For our information,the mission of APEX is transforming higher education for a sustainable tomorrow.He also introduce about the RUS 101 (Integrated Studio)
-I still remember for Integrated Studio production,intention is needed before an action is taken.Then the product will be produce after the action is taken .
However,the 6 elements:intention,actor,act,place,principle and product,we must always remember it and apply it.

Our assignment was 1A My Virtual Home by 1B.we asked to open the blog in order to let us post our assignment in it.By this way,all the lecturers can mark our assignments easily and can update my RUS 101 class activities from time to time.The most important was we can see our improvement like now when we look back.

16 JULY 2010
That day we are given a talk named "Knowing the Self "by Dr Ilias.
He used a poor little boy,a rich little boy,a poor little girl and a rich little girl as the actors in a story.These 4 children all were represent the hope of their family and all of them were continued their journey in university like us to achieve our dream.
From this talk,i learnt:
*don't sad with our past but need to learn from past.
*the best gift in life is living in the present moment.
So, we shall always feel that we are the LUCKY one!And we must always feel thankful.
1B Me, My Thoughts & I.

This was our 1st assignment,title was "how we apply the USM inventions onto the PONDOK".Im still remember at that time i felt so hard to do it because we need to present in a A3board and we were required to write caption between 3mm lines!
At last i still can finished it and submit on time.
-From this assignment,i realized that patient is much needed.

19JULY 2010
This day,our lecture was Dot, Line, Shape by Ar Mohd Najib.

On same day,we were given project 2A Natural Structure.This assignment was more like a adventure because all of us were brought to the Rumpun Buluh Research Village.We needed to take the photo of the bamboo clusters there.Then,we present it by 6 sketches with captions to joint all the sketches and tell a story.

-I learnt the time joints,life joints and inspiratual joint.
In the same day,we are given 3 more Esquisses.2 of them was submit on the spot.I started to feel tension when the assignments more and more coming.Here,i felt that time management is very important for us too.

23JULY 2010
Our assignment 2B Man-Made Structure was another crazy task.In the beginning,i felt so tough because we need to cut the bamboo ourselves to produce the bamboo sound tool.moreover,we were lack of time because we had the HBP orientation,GETTHO for 3 days continually.And we had to finish it in this 3 days!!

I faced lot of problems in the progressing....i tried many sources also failed!
i was attending the GETTHO...

Finally,i solved the problems and my BST was born....XD

I involved my BST during the presentation at the last night of the GETTHO.

our submition.
-I really felt that time management was very important,no matter how lack of time,we still need to submit our work on time.
MOral here : to learn is to experience it!

26JULY 2010
The lecture was about Layers (7 Habits) by Dr Abdel Naser.Actually these 7 habits i had learnt it during my Form 6.So i had more impression about it.
Wow,after the Bamboo Sound Tool,comes another new try!
this time,we need to make two masks:one is our own face(same skin colour),2nd one is face with emotion(black and white).
In beginning,we had find no way to do.We had many tried but failed!But never mind because we can learn from it and we get improve.
We tried the new idea and that was quite work!!

However,En.Wan B accidentally saw our method and he gave some idea....

Lastly we done it successfully...XD..and i can said we are the Pro Mask maker...haha

-From this assignment,i learnt that TEAMWORK was very important!!We had the good cooperation during this assignment.Although it was a suffer week but i think i still very appreciated it because i can submit a good done and i felt very satisfied with it....XD.It worthy although i need to pay out a week time!!!

2 AUGUST 2010
This day we have given a talk about Human Dimensions by Ar Mohd Najib.

We asked to use "jengkal" without any modern measuring tool to the human dimension into ratio of 1:10,1:50 and 1:100 and a cube.

-I learnt that "jengkal" cannot be a standard measurement.

New assignment 3A Casket4 Me was assigned:

In these sketches,i also made use of the human dimension.I used the "jengkal"to draw the six people.
From here,i became more made use human dimension into my future sketches.

6 AUGUST 2010
Our talk about Vision & Rules by Izyan Yahaya.
I learnt:-We must have our vision in our life.
-Those who break rules are trash,but those who doesn't care about other companion is worse than trash.
-Life without strategy is a tragedy.
We had the new assignment 3B My Black Box.We asked to design a black box.

This assignment make me felt that we should leave something after i died.I should take more consideration about our future....

9 AUGUST 2010
That day lecture :Addition-Subtraction by Dr Azizan & Dr RR.We reminded to always subtract the "rubbish" from our mind but need to add the some good elements into it. 3C 6-Balloon Black Bamboo Box was our new assignment.Frankly to say that was another a suffer assignment for me.I had to construct a box that can fit in 6 balloons.

I felt so tired at that time...Im quite poor in construction work,hence i took long time to finish it.I quite worry could not submit on time.
i even cannot sleep well and i fall sick!!!

However,another work was born!I felt very grateful....really one.n=n
-During this assignment,i realize that we must be patient complete our task,to achieve our mission.I will not easily to give up although the how big or how tough the thing that i need to do.....JUst Do IT!!!

13 August 2010
Our Friday talk was Unity/ Oneness by Dr. Shardy.We were planning to show how the countdown of merdeka for Youth Jam 10 programme be executed at Penang Times Square.
we had our discussion and do the powerpoint at times square until 7pm.This showed the cooperation of our group !

20 August 2010
This time we had to act as actor.In group of 10,we had to produce a 3 min theaterette.
Wow,we came out with a big group,actually i quite enjoy with it....

-This was another new tried for me.This theaterette was quite different when we just use expression without talk during performance.
From here, i knew that we should always come out with new and outstanding idea.Always think out of the box!!=p

23 August 2010
From Nothing to Something by Dr Mazran.
Every something that we produced from nothing should also be back to nothing.
I started to know the beauty of simplicity,power of nothing,value of nothingness.
We are given a talk and a exercise about Perspective by Dr Mazran.

The 2nd exercises was we need to Rethink the Merdeka and blog out.
- I realized that our lecturer always trained us to become more and more mature-thinking.

30 August 2010
Freedom......R we really free?
If we are free,then why we have given the submition time?
why the lecturer need to talk in English they more prefer to Bahasa?!
I think it is depend on us how we think.....because every people can determine their own freedom,unless we must take responsible on it!!
That day night all of us involved in Programme Youth Jam 2010 act as one of the unit of performance.

So proud to say my group ,Sprint was chosen to present in Hari Merdeka at Penang Times Square!!!

However,we were miss the performance because the time management of the organizer.
-From here,I know that I should always grab the chance and appreciate it because many things are no take 2!!

Raya assignment
The last assignment was 6A Disaster Kit .We asked to design a survival kit by using the USM inventions onto the IBU.Now i have more know about the inventions and i felt such useful all of the them.
I hope i can invent a new thing too for contribution or maybe it can be used during the end of world.Erm...or at least i can leave something to my university.

After i feedback the whole journey,i feel that it very colourful and meaningful!!!
it fullfilled of joy,sad,tired,exhaust,fail,successful,panic and.....
I have CHANGED!!!it a lot although only for 2 and half month.
(unseen changed) are i have become more matured thinking,i will try to explode more and more knowledge all the times....and i try to think out of the box!!
and i persevere and not easily to give up although i faced the damn bad condition.....XD
i can say that i feel hyper-tension in most of the time....but i know,tension sometimes is good for try to make it become my motivation!!i believe that i will become lazy without it!!
~~so, i should not feel lucky but feel quite GRATEFUL for our studio lecturers...what r they doing now is try to explode ourselves....lets us know that WE NOT JUST LIKE THAT!!

erM.....(seen changed)i really want to shout that:im become very darker ad!!
and my hand and leg are full of scab!!haha...
These are the proved:i have changed!!!^=^

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