Saturday, October 30, 2010

9D RUS 101 Conference

25 OCT 2010(Monday-2nd last studio)
The Soul Shift exhibition was initiated on that day.
That day,there's a 3 generation of teachers there:Tuan syed,Wan B and Ar Najib..
As we noe ,Tuan Syed is a curator of USM traditional toys &games museum....he is 70+ years old!!
Wan B introduced him to us with many slide adopted from internet...

After that,we went to design studio

We done a great job for our exhibition....XD

haha...Tuan Syed mostly interest with our displayed Products......included the geodesic
The question that most frequent asked was"how we do it".....we can found that he is a person who quite care about the"process"...especially when we successful to transform that small geodesic model to a great big Ibu....

Then we had tea time in our Dome~~

The selected group from different major gave their presentation...

About 4pm,the conference finished with given conclusion by rappertoire.

~~all of us should feel happy,proud and excited bcoz we manage to transform the impossible to become possible~~yeah!!

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