Saturday, October 30, 2010

RUS 101 shut down+ our pptx presentation

Date : 29 Oct 2010(Friday)
Time : 0900-1200
Venue : e48B
People : Wan B ,Ar Najib and us(i thk tat day only half of us attended...maybe they still rushed for their economic assign)
Yesterday,it was our last studio!!
tat day i felt so relaxed.....i thought everyone same too.of course we didn have the formal talk like usual...coz this was the unusual day=p
The funny was,when wan b asked us to list out the studiomasters ,so sad to tell that we only able to list out 8 out of 20!!Terrible or not?!hahax....said frankly we really seldom meet some of them....XD
Besides,Wan b want to find some volunteers to be responsible for audio,electrical,combine the pptx file and the drinks....for BBQ that night.

At night,everybody felt so a Big reunion dinner for us..^=^

all of us need to present our 30 seconds power point.
About 1am,its the time we said goodbye to each other...

Lets us say goodbye to RUS 101 Studio...

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