Saturday, October 23, 2010

project 9 b 1500 words

Soul Shift – Spread Factual Info To The World

Quantity Surveyor is one of important roles in the construction industry.He can defined as a guard member who prepared standardized schedules for a building project in which all of the construction materials, labour activities and the like were quantified, and against which competing builders could submit priced tenders.In preparing the tenders for projects,quantity surveyors must typically manages many unfamiliar elements,including practical construction methods,restoration technique and work sequences.Quantity surveyors must appreciate the full range of works to prepare a good tender document. By fulfilling the demanding requirements, the quantity surveyors enhance their professionalism on an area of growing cultural value and economic importance.Moreover,quantity surveyors responsible in preparation of the Contract Price Fluctuations Clause calculations in relation to increases in labour rates and inflation on construction materials from the date of tender to project completion.These cost adjustment can be calculated and negotiated before work commences.Besides,quantity surveyors also the financial managers of the construction team.They have been trained as construction cost consultants who have expert knowledge of costs,labour and material prices,constractual arrangements and even legal matters in construction field.Most of the time they need to seek measures to reduce high cost of construction projects and the attendant claims. They also be responsible for monitoring the project’s cash flow. Quantity surveyors are usually appointed at the beginning of any construction project to advise on costs and alternative forms and methods of construction which may be more cost effective. If a project sponsor wants a change in the project’s design or specification during construction, they will cost these changes and assist in the decision-making on whether to agree the changes. From time to time,they setting up and maintaining effective cost record control system and reporting. In general,they provide services of liaising and advising clients, contractors and consultants on the effect of cost on projects.

Quantity surveyors spread factual info to the world through their contribution. They are the accountants of the building profession - planning and managing costs of construction projects from initial calculation to the final figures. This profession is certainly not all hard hats and wellies. In fact the role of the quantity surveyor has changed so dramatically in recent years that the profession doesn't always answer to the name of quantity surveying anymore! No longer do quantity surveyors just measure and price work, they have a more strategic role. Nowadays the QS is involved at all stages of a project from preparing tenders and planning costs to preparing final bills of quantities; essentially, making sure projects are planned and completed to cost and quality, on time. The role of a quantity surveyor is to manage the costs relating to a building projects. This may include new builds, renovations or maintenance work. From early design costs to final figures, quantity surveyors seek to minimize the costs of the project and enhance value for money while ensuring that the project meets all legal and standard quality assurance requirements. Conducting feasibility studies to estimate materials, time and labour costs to meet the requirement of the clients. At feasibility stage quantity surveyors use their knowledge of construction methods and costs to advise the owner on the most economical way of achieving the standard requirements. They advise the client for a better procurement strategy besides identifying, analyzing and developing responses to commercial risks. For tendering, they do prepare and analyze costing while they also allocate work to subcontractors in the site when a building project starts. Apart from that, they also provide advice on contractual claims so as the client is clear about the claim. During the project, Quantity surveyors will analyzing the outcome and write a detailed progress report. After that, they will need to value the completed work and arrange the payment for those workers.

Besides that, quantity surveyors will maintain awareness of the different building contract in current use. Building contract is a very important document, which contain all details of the construction project including the financial breakdown and construction time schedules. This document will ensure that clients are getting exactly what they have paid for in their new home or commercial property.

As a professional quantity surveyor, we must understand the implications of health and safety regulations. This is important as employers have legal obligations to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. As an employee, they have rights to work in a safe and healthy environment. Employer has a 'duty of care' to look after, as far as possible, the health, safety and welfare while employees are at work. They should start with a risk assessment to spot possible health and safety hazards. They have to appoint a 'competent person' with health and safety responsibilities. This is usually one of the owners in smaller firms, or a member of staff trained in health and safety in larger businesses.

Next, quantity surveyors must have strong financial, analytical, interpretive and teamwork skills.Teamwork has become an important part of the working culture and many businesses now look at teamwork skills when evaluating a person for employment.

Quantity Surveyors are responsible to clients, users and the people. For clients, quantity surveyors seek to minimize the cost of materials but they still need to fulfill the instructions given by clients and at the same time give some advises to them. Apart from that, quantity surveyor are responsible for the health and safety, and fulfilling the needs and comfort of users. As an example, they need to protect users by using good quality but economical materials. They do need to make sure that the materials used will not bring side effects to the users so that the comfortability and healthy problems of users can be protected. Making decisions will not only based on clients and users but also seeing the impact to the society and community. Quantity surveyors should be more rational and think wisely, not only depend on clients and users request but have to consider about the community and society .

The thought of quantity surveyor’s ( QS) job is all about calculation is wrong. Instead , QS have to advise client or architect on procurement strategy and prepare tender document and contract document for the construction project . In the process of preparing tender or contract , few criteria have to be taken concern by the QS , for example undertaking costs analysis for repair and maintenance the building. Better qualities material use for construction project will actually lower down the maintenance fees in the future .Furthermore , a professional QS should be able to identifying, analysing and developing responses to commercial risks. The construction period is long. Meanwhile , economic recession may occur which would lead to the fluctuation of the price for construction material. Hence the cost promised by the QS may be inaccurate. it is crucial to make sure that the fluctuation of price will not affect the construction project progress. Lastly , QS have to writing a detailed progress reports which will analyse the outcome of the project. By valuing the completed work, QS have to arrange the payments to be done.

The problems that often faced by QS are most of the business owners are cutting the professional fees which lead to encouraging unreasonably low tender bidding. Many QS firms are thus suffering from “cut-throat” competition instead of creation of value for their clients. Besides , professional consultancies are very traditional and have very narrow mindset. Many industry leaders are still focusing on basic skills, which could be replaced by computers in 10 years time.

We cant foresee the future hence a professional QS must have strong financial, analytical, interpretive and teamwork skills which will understanding the implications of health and safety regulations but not just doing their job only.

What the society is lack of in their minds is the truth that is out there. “We are fast asleep in a box”, the closest related issue to what the society is like now. We are behind of what we should know of the world either politically, economically or socially. The problems that we are facing in our common lives are so minor but we are already making it a big fuss. Lacking of free thinking minds, are we ready for the mind shift and soul shift if the worst were to act upon us? Are we willing to accept what is about to come? Most of us are still in our own superstitious world, sitting there waiting and hoping that the mercy of the Gods will act upon us. But we are wrong. The big soul shift will happen if we are willing to open up our minds. We ourselves must help one another and together, we experience the great mind shift of our own. Realizing that the truth is to come and accepting the fact that we must stay together as one. Together, we must move and thus we will know what to do as the time come.

What should we do then when the time really comes? Based on given facts we must prepare ourselves for the worst. As we can’t expect what is waiting for us in the edge, but we know our own powers and specialties. We are created special, every one of us. Each of us contributes to the situation. So what are we acting upon? Is it because of fear that brought us together? Or is it because we have realized and experienced the soul shift that will harmonize the society? We are lack of facts. I believe, with facts, we can inspire people in many ways. The world is a stage and we are the actors, decide your ending of your story. Every choice is in our hands.

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