Saturday, October 2, 2010

Project 7-part C Physical & Mental Challenge

its was a nice Tuesday morning??!!we can wake up a bit late(actually is because of our muscle pain) and we need to waiting for pick up our bamboos .

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Very soon,we started our connector-making.

X-man help us to cut the connectors

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-sawing again~~~

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-we need to slice the bamboos'edge into thinner and thinner...

-burning the polypipes

-flatten the connector
Then we had to fit the bamboos into the polypipes....(actually this process is quite tough!!we took 2 day times on it)
Luckily,we still have one day for rest(for recover our energy)....i hope that our bamboos will not be rejected .....This week really a physical and mental challenge week lol...2.2

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